Well, we made it through our 4 days of filming in Paris! In June, I mean. And now the film is complete! I am waiting to view the final results along with many of our supporters tomorrow. It’s not too late to join us – we are still taking donations and anybody who donated is welcome to join. Click here for your “ticket” to the viewing party! If you can’t join us tomorrow, all our supporters will also get a link to watch the short film at their leisure, as well. We couldn’t have made it without your help. And the next step is to start submitting it to film festivals! Fingers crossed for Dating Audrey!
Now, I just wanted to ruminate on being Audrey. This whole short film concept came to me not only as a potentially simple story to film (originally it was to be shot entirely indoors) after the pandemic, but as an elaborate audition piece for my dream role. And as an actor – I have criticism for myself. Ha!
I did what I could in preparation for this role (not even counting the years of research that came before), but ultimately really wish I would have been able to have a coach of some sort, especially on set, as I know my own habits and mannerisms have a way of sneaking through sometimes. I spent months standing up straight, remembering my posture in ballet class and applying it to myself in everyday life. I watched myself for anxious movements and stilled myself as best I could. Audrey always seemed relaxed and in control – while I rock back and forth and chew my nails! I paid attention to Audrey’s mannerisms on film – the way she moved her head, her eyes, her mouth. Oh the mouth. I hate the way I move my mouth! And of course, I tried to perfect her tone of voice, and her accent. This was difficult and I still haven’t got it right. She doesn’t have a deep voice, but somehow mine always sounded too high.
It’s not an easy thing to completely change your mannerisms, your speech, your voice… which is why if I do get to play Audrey in something with a budget that allows, I absolutely want an “Audrey coach” by my side, so that I can really give the best performance possible. It’s what Audrey deserves.
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